For downloading click on the flyer above.
Presentation giving an overview of the REPRO project, held at a Working Group Meeting at EUROSTAT by D. Philipov (Luxembourg, November 2008)
Press releases in English (short / long / short-Bocconi), German and Italian (January 2011)
Invitation to the REPRO dissemination presentation at the Demographic Research Institute, Budapest (March 2011)
Dimiter Philipov talks about the REPRO project (October 2011)
Article on the REPRO project in the Austrian newspaper “Die Presse” (9 Jan 2011)
YouTube: Watch Icek Ajzen discuss the theory of planned behaviour at a Dondena Research Meeting (June 2010)
REPRO at the IUSSP International Population Conference in Marrakech/Morocco
27 September – 2 October 2009
1. REPRO – brief introduction » more
Dimiter Philipov (Vienna Institute of Demography, Austrian Academy of Sciences)
2. Social psychological modelling of fertility intentions » more
Francesco Billari (Carlo Dondena Center, Bocconi University)
3. Intentional parents, postponers, abandoners: realisation of fertility
intentions in three European countries » more
Zsolt Spéder and Balázs Kapitány (Demographic Research Institute)
Detailed report » more
4. Does economic uncertainty affect plans, timing and the level of fertility?
Evidence from France » more
Ariane Pailhé and Anne Solaz (INED, Institut National d’Etudes Démographiques)
Detailed report » more
5. Between economic necessity, professional aspirations and motherhood:
women’s attitudes towards paid work in post-socialist countries » more
Monika Mynarska
6. Childbearing norms in Europe: a multilevel approach » more
Aart Liefbroer (NIDI, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute)
Detailed report » more
REPRO at the European Population Conference in Vienna/Austria
1 – 4 September 2010
1. Does economic development drive the fertility rebound in OECD countries? » more
Angela Luci and Olivier Thévenon (Institut National d’Etudes Démographiques)
2. Social psychological influences on fertility intentions across eight countries » more
Jane Klobas (Carlo Dondena Center at Bocconi University; University of Western Australia), Francesco C. Billari (Carlo Dondena Center at Bocconi University), Icek Ajzen (University of Massachusetts) and Marta Marzi (Carlo Dondena Center at Bocconi University)
3. Realization of fertility intentions and the postponement “black-box” » more
Zsolt Spéder and Balázs Kapitány (Demographic Research Institute)
4. Child-number and child-timing intentions: a micro-macro European framework » more
Maria Rita Testa (Vienna Institute of Demography)
See also the conference website
From Intentions to Behaviour – Reproductive Decision Making in a Macro-Micro Perspective (REPRO)
2 – 3 December 2010, Vienna/Austria
Programme and presentations
Available here

Alexia Prskawetz, VID deputy director

Dimiter Philipov, REPRO Co-ordinator

Icek Ajzen, University of Massachusetts; Founder of the Theory of planned behaviour

Jennifer S. Barber, University of Michigan

S. Philip Morgan, Duke University;Research Institute

Warren B. Miller, Transnational Family

The Panelists: Jennifer S. Barber, Icek Ajzen, Anne Gauthier, Ron Lesthaeghe

Impressions from the poster sessions

Impressions from the poster sessions

Lars Dommermuth, Statistics Norway

Aart Liefbroer, NIDI

Maria Iacovou, Essex University

Olivier Thévenon, INED

Impressions from the audience

Impressions from the audience