According to the Theory of Planned Behavior, fertility intentions are the closest determinants of fertility behaviour.
This document combines four different studies that analyse the realisation of fertility intentions in different countries with the help of different methods. The following countries were studied:
- The Netherlands, Switzerland and Hungary: This study uses panel data to analyse fertility intentions in a comparative perspective (in the first wave) and their realisation two or three years later (in the next wave).
- United Kingdom: Using 5 waves of the British Household Panel Survey, this study analyses determinants of changes in fertility intentions over the life course.
- Bulgaria: Using the first wave of the Bulgarian Generations and Gender Survey, this study uses event history techniques to analyse the determinants of having a second child.
- France: This study sheds lights on the impact of work uncertainty on fertility intentions, timing and completed fertility.
Country-specific-analyses.pdf (55-page report)