Milan, 10-12 June 2009
The 2.5 day REPRO Consortium meeting focused on the presentation of the work accomplished in work packages 2 to 6 with intensive debates on substantive matters, and in particular on methodological issues relating to work package 3.
- Data collection and computation of indicators for the Human Fertility Database is ongoing. A press release is planned for August 2009 and first estimates will be available in September 2009 at: » more…
- During the past months, the report on the Macro-level database on fertility and policies supporting families with children in European and OECD countries was completed (» more). The future work in work package 2 will include the identification of family policy patterns (how policy measures combine for certain types of families) and the analysis of the correlation between policy patterns and the results on fertility, the female labour-market situation and poverty.
- Data preparation and measurement work is almost complete in work package 3 and modelling has begun. Methodological issues were discussed intensively and some first results, e.g. for Norway, were presented.
- Several country-specific analyses accomplished in work package 4 were presented:
- a comparative analysis of Bulgaria and Hungary » more…
- the impact of uncertainty on fertility plans, timing and level in France
- the realisation of fertility intentions in the United Kingdom
- the realisation of fertility intentions in the Netherlands, Switzerland and Hungary
- Age deadlines and norms about childlessness were studied in work package 6 based on the European Social Survey
2006. The REPRO partners analysed what these norms look like in
European countries, how they differ and which factors can explain
differences. They found a particularly large variation between
countries regarding (dis)approving childlessness and studied it with
the help of multi-level models.
- In work package 5, qualitative interviews from four countries were used to elaborate a descriptive typology of arguments and time frames for childbearing intentions.
Six categories were found, among them respondents who want to have a
child within a definite time frame, respondents who exclude
childbearing for good and respondents facing conditions, which
interfere with their intention of having a child.