Work package leader
Dimiter Philipov
Vienna Institute of Demography
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Wohllebengasse 12-14, 6th floor
1040 Vienna
- To provide administrative support to the project.
- To provide coordination of work in and between the work packages.
- To monitor the timely submission of deliverables.
- To organize the meetings of the consortium.
- To organize the support of the Monitoring Committee and the Steering Board.
Description of work
The Coordinator (OEAW-VID) provides all administrative support, coordinating and monitoring activities. These activities refer to:
- Scientific work of the consortium;
- Kick-off meeting, four meetings during the course of the work and a final meeting of the consortium;
- Quality of the work;
- Decision-making structure;
- Communication flow.
- Report of the kick-off meeting.
- Mid-term report.
- Final report of the project.