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Philipov, Dimiter, Olivier Thévenon, Jane Klobas, Laura Bernardi, Aart C. Liefbroer (2009). “Reproductive Decision-Making in a Macro-Micro Perspective (REPRO). State-of-the-Art Review” European Demographic Research Papers 1. Vienna: Vienna Institute of Demography of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Iacovou, Maria, Lara Patrício Tavares (2010). “Yearning, Learning and Conceding: (Some of) the Reasons People Change their Childbearing Intentions” European Demographic Research Papers 3. Vienna: Vienna Institute of Demography of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Sobotka, Tomáš (2011). “Reproductive decision-making in a macro-micro perspective (REPRO). Synthesis and policy implications” European Demographic Research Papers 1. Vienna: Vienna Institute of Demography of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Work package 2
- Human Fertility Database
The Human Fertility Database provides open and user-friendly access to
detailed and high-quality data on period and cohort fertility » more
- Family database
This report gathers information on fertility trends, living
arrangements and policy support from various sources and international
databases » more
- Macro-level trends
Macro-level trends in fertility and policy responses are assessed for OECD countries » more
Work package 3
- Harmonisation of the GGS data
The data of the “Generations and Gender Surveys” were harmonised to enable comparative analyses for eight countries » more
- Social psychological influences on fertility intentions
This study analyses how attitudes, norms and behavioural control influence fertility intentions in eight countries » more
- Couples’ perspectives
How attitudes, perceived norms and perceived control influence couples’ decisions to have a child » more
Work package 4
- Bulgaria and Hungary
After the political and economic transition 1989/90, fertility behaviour changed dramatically in both Bulgaria and Hungary » more
- Realisation of fertility intentions
This document combines four different studies that analyse the realisation of fertility intentions in different countries » more
- Summarizing the results on realisation of fertility intentions
All results on the realisation of fertility intentions obtained in REPRO are summarized in this document » more
Work package 5
- Classification of fertility intentions
Based on interviews with 261 individuals their fertility intentions are
classified in six categories according to clarity, strength and time
frame » more
- Fertility cultures
How different fertility cultures in Europe influence individual fertility decision-making » more
- Changing intentions
Using longitudinal qualitative data this report shows how intentions change over time and investigates their relationship with childbearing behaviour » more
Work package 6
- Norms concerning fertility-related behaviour
Differences in childbearing behaviour across and within countries could
result from differences in norms concerning fertility-related behaviour
» more
- Cross-national differences in fertility intentions
This study provides a cross-national analysis of the predictors of child-number and child-timing intentions using Eurobarometer data » more
- Cross-national differences in fertility behaviour
This report focuses on variations in fertility behaviour across Europe » more
Work package 7
- Synthesis of policy-relevant information
The goal of this review is to communicate major findings and achievements and summarise policy-relevant findings of the REPRO project » more
- Policy implications
Which policy implications can be drawn from the findings in the REPRO project? » more