Work packages

Work package 1: Management and coordination

This work package involves:

  • Providing administrative support to the project.
  • Providing coordination of work in and between
    the work packages.
  • Organizing the meetings of the consortium.
  • Writing a mid-term report and a final report of
    the project.

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Main responsible: Dimiter Philipov, VID

Work package
2: Macro perspective on fertility trends and institutional context

This work package involves:

  • The construction of a macro-level database on
    fertility, family policies, transfers from firms and to the family.
  • An analysis at the macro-meso level of the
    policy support to households in different family-work situations and
    variations in the fertility behaviour.
  • Detailed data, computations and documentations
    for Austria and the Czech Republic as input for the Fertility Database.
    The Fertility Database is a MPIDR/VID project which aims at the
    construction of an open access database on births and population data.

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Main responsible: Olivier Thévenon, INED

Work package
3: Contextualised micro level: fertility intentions

This work package involves:

  • The development of a harmonized data set of the Generations
    and Gender Surveys as well as a report.
  • An empirical paper on the use of the Theory of
    Planned Behaviour to model fertility intentions.
  • A paper on the results of the modeling of
    couple’s fertility decision-making in the framework of the Theory of
    Planned Behaviour

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Main responsible: Jane Klobas, Bocconi University

Work package
4: The micro level: fertility behaviour

This work package involves:

  • A comparative analysis of Bulgaria and Hungary
    on the factors that determine fertility intentions and their realization
    at the micro-level.
  • Further country specific analyses on Italy,
    France, the Netherlands, Norway and the United Kingdom.
  • A summary of all findings with the purpose to
    identify similarities and differences among all countries, on one side,
    and among old and new members of the European Union, on the other side.

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Main responsible: Zsolt Spéder, Demographic Research Institute

Work package
5: Fertility intentions and behaviours in context:
a comparative
qualitative approach

This work package involves:

  • A scientific report on a typology of individual
    orientations and life course contingencies leading to positive, negative
    or undefined fertility intentions and life course configurations fostering
    or hampering the realization of such intentions.
  • A scientific report which critically evaluates
    the instruments of the Theory of Planned Behaviour to predict intentions
    in relations to reproduce behaviour.
  • A scientific report on variation in social norms
    and practices of social influences in different family and fertility
    cultures and specific political economies.

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Main responsible: Laura Bernardi, UNIL

Work package
6: Macro-level determinants of fertility decision-making

This work package involves:

  • A report on the analysis of the data of the
    European Social Surveys on cross-national differences in perceived norms
    concerning fertility-related behaviour.
  • A report on the analysis of Eurobarometer data
    on cross-national differences in fertility intentions.
  • A report on the analysis of the data of the
    European Social Surveys on cross-national differences in the timing and
    quantum of fertility.

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Main responsible: Aart Liefbroer, NIDI

Work package
7: Synthesis and policy implications

This work package involves:

  • State of the art
  • Synthesis of policy relevant information.
  • The recommendation of policy implications.

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Main responsible: Tomáš Sobotka, VID

Work package
8: Dissemination

This work package involves:

  • The dissemination of the work on a website, with
    a press release and the public announcement of the Fertility Database.
  • Final plan for dissemination and use of the

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Main responsible: Maria Rita Testa, VID