Vienna, 1 December 2010
The REPRO Consortium meeting in Vienna focused on the policy implications of the REPRO project findings. The steps to be taken before the end of the project were extensively discussed.
The REPRO team plans to prepare two different documents on policies: one will address the scientific community and the other will be targeted at policy makers. In both publications, the key issue will be policy implications rather than recommendations. Tomáš Sobotka, leader of WP7 on synthesis and policy implications, will be responsible for these two deliverables.
Olivier Thévenon and Angela Luci summarised the major findings of their analysis on macro fertility trends and institutional context (WP2). Moreover, they presented a set of policy implications, which could be drawn from their study.
Jane Klobas reported the main results of the micro-level comparative analysis of fertility intentions conducted within the framework of her work package (WP3). Moreover, she gave a broad overview of the policy reflections that might arise from her cross-country study.
Zsolt Spéder’s presentation focused on the policy implications of his micro-level analysis of the relationship between fertility intentions and subsequent reproductive behaviour (WP4).
Clémentine Rossier presented a summary of the policy implications of the qualitative study carried out in seven European countries among men and women aged 20 to 30 years who live in urban contexts (WP5).
Aart Liefbroer outlined the main policy implications resulting from the analysis of the determinants of the fertility decision-making process developed in his work package (WP6), in which childbearing norms, intentions as well as completed fertility were all analysed separately.