Kick-off Meeting

Vienna, 14/15 February 2008


The REPRO kick-off
meeting was attended by 20 participants representing all nine partner institutions collaborating

in the project and by the
Scientific Officer in charge of the project at the European Commission.


The meeting started with an introduction
to the REPRO project
presented by project leader and co-ordinator Dimiter
Philipov from the Vienna Institute of Demography (VID). REPRO emerged from an
earlier study (FERTINT), in which five of the current REPRO partners
collaborated for one year (2006/2007). The REPRO application was jointly
elaborated in two meetings of the core group.

Marc Goffart, the Scientific Officer, gave an overview of research on demographic and family questions in Framework
Programme 7
and explained the European
Commission’s funding schemes for scientific projects
. REPRO is a collaborative
project funded under Theme 8: Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH). Projects
under this heading typically combine problem orientation and policy relevance.
The project environment was another item on the agenda of the kick-off meeting.

The rest of the meeting was dedicated to an introduction of work packages 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 by the respective work
package leaders and to specifying the partners’ involvement in the project. In
particular work package 2 was discussed in detail.


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