Meeting in The Hague

The Hague, 16-18 November 2009

The REPRO Consortium meeting in The Hague was dedicated to the work accomplished in work packages 2 to 6. The agenda envisaged a thorough discussion of substantive issues, particularly those relating to work package 4, and the interrelations between the work packages. Using a scheme inspired by James Coleman that depicts a macro-micro model of fertility and its determinants, the researchers commented and debated the systematisation and/or implementation of a micro-macro link in the REPRO project.

  • Tomáš Sobotka reported that the Human Fertility Database ( was presented to the scientific community at the XXVI IUSSP International Population Conference in Marrakech on 28 September 2009 » more…
  • Work package 2: Angela Luci gave an overview of the study “The importance of economic development related to fertility in OECD countries”. She explained that in order to better understand the meaning of the GDP she would replace it by several other variables that may capture the GDP effect. Olivier Thévenon presented a paper entitled “Work and family life reconciliation policies in OECD countries: from (mixed) means to (balanced) ends?” His focus was on variables linked with child-related leave and childcare policies » more…
  • Work package 3: Jane Klobas informed about her preliminary cross-country comparisons on the “Theory of Planned Behaviour modelling of reproductive decision-making”. She underlined that several improvements were needed, as well as a double check on the quality of some national datasets used.
  • Work package 4: Zsolt Spéder presented a paper on “Realisation of fertility intentions, postponement and abandonment in four European countries: Switzerland, Netherland, Hungary and Bulgaria”. This is one of the few analyses that investigate how micro-level results explain macro-level indicators. Maria Iacovou’s analysis “Fewer children than expected: updating plans or failure to realise ambitions?” entailed a discussion on a suitable theoretical framing for her paper » more…
  • Work package 5: Monika Mynarska’s paper on “Fertility intentions and behaviours in context: a comparative qualitative approach” triggered a lively discussion about the role of several potential factors affecting individuals’ fertility preferences, e.g. the quality and monetary expenses of childcare services, the availability of part-time jobs and the culture prevailing at the parents’ place of residence.
  • Work package 6: Maria Rita Testa presented a paper on “Intergenerational transmission of fertility” across Europe. Her multi-level analysis will be modified by replacing the regions with countries as a second level of analysis. Aart Liefbroer gave an overview of the work done in work package 6.

The participants compiled a list of several economic, policy and cultural macro indicators. They agreed that all researchers should use at least one indicator from this list in their analyses. When selecting the most appropriate indicator, they should bear in mind its policy relevance.


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